Writing a blog post for my work website is hard

For the past month, I was told by my boss that I needed to update the website. My major may have been Web Design, but that doesn’t mean I actually wanted to Web the rest of my life. I hate coding, I liked the graphic design part but I still wasn’t fabulous at it. My true passion was doing video, which is what I’m doing now. I never thought that I would have such a thrill videotaping sport games for a local college and now I’m a total fan of that place that I have so much apparel that I could probably advertise for the school. I never went to that school. My own school, I only have three types of apparel. I sometimes feel bad for my social media friends, they’re always seeing me post about the school and my job, but when they find a passion in their life that they love then they can post about it. Unless it’s something I can’t stand then you’ll never receive a favorite or a like from me.

The past couple of days, I’ve been in a writing type of mood I guess. I just updated my blog a couple of days ago and that felt nice to just have that little vent session. Yesterday, I found out Ellen has snapchat so I added her. She was talking about tickets to the Grammy’s and all you had to do was enter. Well why not enter? What’s the worst thing that could happen? I won’t get the tickets? Yeah, I’m already betting right now that I won’t get the tickets. Plus I have to work Sunday afternoon. How am I going to get a flight to LA from Maine at the last minute? I won’t be able to afford this. So while I’m filling out everything it asked for a picture which I chose and then my snapchat name which I’m not putting on here. Then it asked for my story. Oh my. What was I supposed to say? I thought maybe if I slept on it I would come up with something good enough. No I didn’t sleep on it, I wrote it last night. This is what I wrote:

“I’m a small town girl from Maine. While growing up, I lived with my mom and sister, my mom did everything for my sister and me, to make sure we had everything we needed. In high school, I transferred to a school where there was no bullying and that is where I met God. I went to a Christian camp during the summers and just found my love for God there. Last year I graduated college with a Web Design Degree and now work for a video company in Blank, Maine. What I do there is videotape the local college sports and do replay for basketball. Although that is a dream I never imagined doing, my lifelong dream is becoming a director. I love movies, I am constantly looking up movies on Google to find out more information about them. Now Ellen, she just makes my life more happy. I love going on YouTube to watch her, especially scaring people, she makes me laugh so much. Her Head’s Up Game is the best app I downloaded on my phone, I even made my own category. The song “Don’t Stop Believing” is my song. I’ve always loved the song and it’s the song when someone listens to they think of me. It’s just true, I’m a small town girl living in a lonely world, who will one day take a midnight train and go anywhere, I would love to meet the city boy. I’m a true Mainer who loves God and loves laughing. “

I thought it sounded decent enough. It’s me and no one can change that. One friend already said she liked it and my mom helped me change it a little. It’s sent. If anything I would love it if Ellen just wrote to me and asked me to come onto her show. You know how cool that would be? You read it here first, one day I will make it onto Ellen’s show and I’ll be ecstatic.

Today, while at work I was supposed to do video reels but instead the projector still wasn’t able to do what we needed to be done and after trying to put 3 rubber bands on a certain spot, I finally gave up. We ordered the part that was needed. At that point, I was either going to pick up and leave or write on the website. The whole reason why I started this blog post in the first place. I decided if I just wrote a small blog post at least I’ll have something. So I started typing and my co-worker said that it was pretty decent so go ahead. Putting it on the actual website probably took me 15 minutes to see how my boss normally does it. I finally figured it out even if I didn’t understand what I did. Hopefully next week when I do another blog post, I’ll remember what I’m doing.

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