You’ve Got Mail


You’ve Got Mail is probably one of those movies that I will continue to watch no matter what. Although while typing on here I need to pause it because I can’t concentrate on this while I watch one of my favorite movies of all time. The storyline is just so well thought of. It’s a 1998 movie and I must say 90’s movies are way better than now movies. Also 80’s movies definitely better as well.

After the beginning credits of the movie, Tom Hanks and Meg Ryan write to each other, a song comes on Dream by The Cranberries. I just downloaded it. Why? Because the only time I ever hear that song is from the movie and it’s just one of those songs that I probably would never listen to unless I’m watching the movie, which isn’t a bad thing. I get excited when I see the movie is on, I even get excited when it comes up in a conversation. I remember my teacher for Interpersonal Communications told the class we were going to watch it. I think out of the entire class besides the teacher, I was the only other one who has seen it multiple times. It’s just such a cute movie; watch it. You’ll adore it. Then talk to me about it and I can tell you some fun facts about it.

It’s the third time Tom Hanks and Meg Ryan did a movie together. Joe Versus the Volcano 1990 and Sleepless in Seattle 1993. I haven’t seen Joe Versus the Volcano and I’m not sure if I ever will. But I do enjoy the two of them together. I enjoy seeing the different hairstyles that they both can sport during each movie.

Meg Ryan is just a great actress anyway, she will always be one of my favorites even though she isn’t around as much which is a shame. I started thinking what movies I have seen that involve her that made me like her as an actress so much. It has to be You’ve Got Mail and Sleepless in Seattle. Although City of Angels I did enjoy too. She was in Anastasia too. What other movies did I watch with her in it? When Harry Met Sally, Top Gun, Kate & Leopold. That’s it. I’ve watched seven of her movies out of I don’t know how many. I don’t mind though, she will always be one of my favorite actresses. In a way, with her short hair movies, she kind of reminds me of Ellen. I don’t know why, such a free spirited type of actress who seems to have a lot of fun. But I only see it when watching You’ve Got Mail. Oh, I probably could talk about this movie all day long. I’m still in the process of talking a friend into watching it. I think the reason why she said no to it, is because we tried watching E.T. together and we both fell asleep. I’ve been wanting to watch Never Been Kissed too. A lot of movies I’ve watched today sort of just had similar actors in it or were mentioned. First Inspector Gadget and the cop in that movie is the father of Tom Hanks’s character in this current movie, then it’s a toss up between Pride and Prejudice and That Thing You Do. I’ll figure it out eventually.

Tom Hanks. He’s quite the actor as well. He will always be one of my favorite actors. His wife Rita Wilson is a really good actress she was in Now & Then and played Tom Hanks’s sister in Sleepless in Seattle, haha I mean really. You’re probably wondering how I know all of this, I seriously know a lot of information about movies. I don’t need to look up some of this but I am going to look up what movies I’ve seen with Tom Hanks, it will help out. Splash, Big (favorite), A League of Their Own, Sleepless in Seattle, Forrest Gump (who hasn’t seen that?), Toy Story, That Thing You Do (which also featured his wife), Saving Private Ryan, You’ve Got Mail, Toy Story 2, Cast Away, Catch Me if You Can, The Terminal, Polar Express, The Da Vinci Code, Angels & Demons, Toy Story 3 and that’s it. Wow that’s a lot of movies. 17 movies. I love movies. I really really love movies. More than reading. I think if I had the choice between hanging out with a friend or watch one of my favorite movies, it would be a tough choice. I mean I could go on about other movies, but You’ve Got Mail is paused and I want to go back to watching that, more than talking about it.

May 5, 2013

Sunday was the last church service at my church before they move to the Hill. I’m so happy I was able to apart of it. It was sad though, because that church was the church that I really got into going to church for. But all the people who I really knew and met along the way is going to the Hill.

Sunday was also the day of Natalie’s graduation. I wish I took a picture of what I got for her graduation but I forgot. I got her a photo album, daisies and a pot, Sudoku, UNO, and a card. The card only said Congrats! Love, Chelsea in it. Who does that? Someone who wrote her a note on a separate piece of paper. Graduations are supposed to be fun, right? I followed Natalie around with her camera and took pictures of her with everyone. I even just took pictures when she wasn’t paying attention. There was one photo that was extremely awkward and I thought okay I’ll delete it. I almost deleted every picture. I decided not a good idea. She who knows her camera better can do that. As we are taking photos, we forget that the photographer and the graduate still haven’t taken a photo together, but it’s all good it happened eventually. I met her family finally. I was supposed to meet her grandmother during Christmas break but plans fell through, but we met and she is a really nice lady. I talked to her while Natalie was packing and she just was really nice, told me I should come visit. When goodbyes came, it was the last thing I wanted to do was say goodbye to Natalie. It’s not like it’s a farewell, I’ll never see you again, but a goodbye I don’t know when I’ll see you. So I walked away. I found out when I got to the border she texted me, “Chelsea! Where are you?” I told her where. But this was after I did say bye to her. She found me just standing there and I told her, it would have been rude of me just to leave like that.


Graduations are supposed to be fun, right? You finally receive the paper that you tried and worked so hard for, telling you that you finally did it. I have four friends graduating this May. Two are already graduated. Two more are next weekend. They will be moving on with their lives and I still have a semester left. How am I suppose to feel knowing that they will continue their lives while I stay put not knowing until January what I’m really going to be doing in life?

Ariel and I are planning in the future to move to California. I think when I first told her I wanted to go there I was just kidding. But she really wants to go and I know that she will go with or without me. I’m not sure what Liz plans on doing, she may stay in Maine, she may go to I think she said Seattle. I can see her going. Natalie has several options on where to go, back to Argentina, Canada, or to Pennsylvania. I think PA is where she’s headed next. All these girls have plans and I’m still trying to figure out whether I want to stay in Maine or not. I want to travel, I want to finally grow independent and just go somewhere and be able to stand out. But what I really want to know is that these girls who I care for, will still remember me when they are gone doing what they went to school for. Hang out with me once more before you leave, okay? Stay in touch. Maybe…sometimes friendships are just phases in life. Maybe this is a phase. Three of us became friends after our freshman year of college, one after sophomore year, maybe it was a couple years type of friendship and now their lives are going to continue and I’m still just going to be here in Maine.

Natalie asked me when I’ll be up north again, so she can meet with me, hang out and then ride back with me to apartment and I can take her to the airport. I asked her if it’s a permanent thing, she said yes for now. I saw her once every month. I saw her every Sunday these past three weeks. When I drive her to the airport what will happen? I’ll probably act really normal or really awkward, but when the plane takes off, the tears will roll down the face, because after seeing her once every month, every summer for the past 3 years, it ends.

I’m supposed to be in a girl’s wedding this summer. The bride and I haven’t talked since the beginning of April and that was when she remembered she forgot my birthday. Shouldn’t you talk to the bride more and really be excited for the wedding? The girls I have mentioned all remembered my birthday. They all wrote something nice to me not only on facebook but also by text message. That’s more than even what some family members did.

I don’t know what will happen in life and I don’t know what will happen with the friends that I made that I talk to everyday. God knows this and He knows how I feel along with now you do.