Dear Friend

Dear Friend, 

It will be a year Tuesday, May 20th, since I haven’t seen you face to face, since we haven’t hung out in the presence of each other and could just be able to talk, give one another a hug for a greeting or a goodbye. The moments we have now that involve technology, I am thankful for but I still miss the actual being in person to have a conversation. I wish we could have a normal time together like we have in the past. Compared to the past of being able to just cross the border to see you for either a day or a weekend it just seems like we had the best type of friendship like nothing could come between us. And now it’s distance that has. I wouldn’t say that we have a terrible friendship now compared to the past, I just think we were spoiled with the distance before. Because of summer 2012 it made our friendship stronger than we could have ever been. Do I wish that I could re-live those days of course but with the non-existent of time travel as of right now, I can’t. When teleporting happens, I will be very please or even hover cars. To really get a good chuckle out of what I am saying, I really should be talking to our other friend. Back to 2012, that summer we were inseparable but because we were a part of a camp. Did I know last year of how the distance could ruin our type of friendship? Yes, but did it? No, we still have a strong one. Yes, we don’t talk everyday, we tried to talk once a week but things happened, we’ve had several laughable conversations of how we keep trying to do that but it just doesn’t happen. Do I wait for you to talk to me, yes, pretty pathetic on my part because I should be able to talk to you whenever, but we have changed. In 2013, I was still a college student. I was taking classes and you were looking for a job. I still in some way still have a way to bring a funny story of us up in a conversation. Today, I mentioned to someone how I haven’t seen you in almost a year and I really do miss you. Like I’ve said and I’ve probably already repeated myself, I’m thankful for the technology and I’m thankful that you really are a text, Snapchat, Facebook message, phone call, FaceTime call away but I actually miss the times where we talked through a computer in the same room, where we played Head’s Up sitting on the floor, played Just Dance and you punched me while I was recording you and I still won even though I didn’t play all because our mutual friend played for me. Hahahaha Oh man those were good times. 

Hope to see you soon! 





Dear Friend, 

Someone earlier brought up Catching Fire of how it ended and how they’re making Mockingjay right now. I almost don’t want to see Mockingjay because of how I disliked the book but then I realized that it comes out in November so I still have time. So what I was thinking was we should again go see it together. It will be fun. Maybe by that time I’ll be two hours away from you again and the traveling won’t be anything compared to what it could be like this summer. Congrats again on your car. I can’t believe we both are rocking Nissan’s. Hope you have a name for the car soon. We just got that added onto the list of what we have in common. I don’t know about you but it seems like February was such a long time ago since we last hung out or was it January either way I am in some very much need of hanging out with you. I realized I may have to wait until June before I get to see you. Oh, I almost forgot to tell you I’m wearing our matching shirts, “I Speak Fluent Movie Quotes”. I told mother the story of how I gave you the shirt and how right away you said we need to match the next day, she called you a nerd. But I’m okay with you being a nerd, because I am too and we just are better this way. I’ll probably text you soon to just bring up the fact that in a month I will be able to see you because you took off work. I still can’t believe you did. I know you only did for that Saturday so Friday I get that you won’t be getting here until 10 at night but I’m okay with that, if anything we’ll meet at a certain restaurant and have coconut cream pie. 

Enjoy work this week! 





Dear Friend, 

Thank you for going to the college graduation. I really appreciate it. I know that I acted like a nervous wreck the first couple of hours before it started but how else could I have reacted. I was about to walk in front of my graduating class, former teachers, family and peers thinking I was going to trip especially since I bought new shoes for the occasion. But you smiled the entire time because you were able to find the shirt. You and mother were fabulous looking for the shirt and I think we all were very excited finding the specific shirt. I’m just glad that you hung out with me while I was in line. Showed my friend where I was so she could say hi. You just did a great job. Probably the best part of the day was belting out “Don’t Stop Believing” and having one of my old classmates beep his horn at us when we got to the end of the song. Although singing at the top of our lungs, “I Will Always Love You” while going through traffic will forever be in my mind. I think we should play a certain video game soon next time we hang out just so we could fully appreciate the song again. Oh gosh, I’ve missed our times. It’s not the same not being in that apartment anymore. It’s not the same you just showing up and walking through the door as if you owned the place. It’s just not the same being an hour away. You’re like first friend I mentioned, if we didn’t have the technology, we would totally be lost, there would be no way for us to communicate. I think I talk to you everyday. I think you’re just the friend where I could start a conversation and you would understand it. Where on Pinterest we can have our own board where it just involves what we think is funny and have attractive men in it. We could have a serious conversation and still include sarcasm (me), not understanding (you), mention legendary and awesome, and just end up laughing. That’s just how awesome we are. 

Be awesome. 





Dear Friend,

I don’t remember the last time I saw you. I feel it will be a year. Our friendship though is the friendship where we could stop talking at one point in time and pick it up as if we talked everyday. You just returned from a trip, an amazing mission’s trip. Good for you on traveling that far away. I can’t wait to hear about it. 

Sorry your post is short, I’ll be sure to talk to you soon. 

