Good ol’ 3 am

Tuesday Oct. 7. 3 am woke up

5:15 am leaving to go north for a commercial shoot with boss

7 something arrive at gas station to get boss a coffee then keep traveling

8 finally arrive where we need to be after getting lost once


through              saw cousin and had a stare down with him

12 traveling to different locations because that’s what the people wanted

12 arrive in hometown to finish commercial and have lunch.

12 something stand in actor for commercial

1:30 finally sees mother

2 sees mother of the cousin

2 headed back to a school to see kids play

3 12 hours of being awake and at another destination

4 bout to head on the interstate to go home boss and I both very exhausted

5 almost falling asleep, drank mountain dew and boss decides to play a game of “can Chelsea guess the 80 song” I got 4/5

5:48 finally in town almost in a car accident right when we get on Hogan Rd

6 decides to drive 15 minutes away from home to go to a soccer game

6-7 talk to former staff boss while watching former camper play soccer

7:45 return home with a text message from roommate curious if I got in an accident or something because I told her I would be home around 3.

9 still awake but becoming a bit high off life and sounding drunk. Decided to text a few friends and send a group message. Only heard back from a few people. Apparently I was feeling sentimental

10 receives messages back barely reading who it was thinking it was someone else

Wednesday Oct. 8 3 am – thundering out woke up by that quickly went back to sleep

5 am – wakes up almost fully awake but not thankfully and reads all messages from previous night barely remembering sending any of them. reads until 6 goes back to sleep

8:15 awake but not out of bed til


and then just showered went to work, came home, saw former staff boss her daughter and husband then had supper and now writing this.

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